
We motivate people to discover, unlock and expand their capacities and use their greatest potential in life. We are dream builders! We connect people and we build the bridge to their passions uncovering the fuel to their inner sources.

We help people to align proper resources for their dreams to come true. We create connections, find solutions and build space and context to bring the dream into reality. We provide leadership so you can reach the power of ownership and become an inspiring source for other people’s dreams.

we are, we do

We drive you to discover your real power sources, to express your dreams and find solutions to make them come true.

• coaching for performance and engagement
• business optimization tools& metrics
• shared expertise on people management and motivation


We create products, strategies and processes, deploying, monitoring and improving plans, adding value to each idea bringing your dream to reality:

• discover passions and inner power sources
• must have and nice to have
• planning and organizing


We focus on innovative, cost efficient and low maintenance end to end business solutions so you can enjoy a day one running business:

• competitive assets structure
• best match quality leverage
• connect, resources and investors


We focus, understand, and create customized solutions for each business reality having in mind the end customer approach and return on investment metrics:

• key business drivers
• working capital solutions
• soft and hard skills harmony


Our goal is to create powerful businesses that are entirely run to success by confident, cheerful, powerful and self-motivated individuals:

• integrity and respect
• profitable growth
• accountability


SC Aristocratic Technologies SRL

Chamber of Commerce: J40/16242/2003
VAT Registration: RO 15951624
Address: 7 Ecaterina Teodoroiu, 010971, Sector1,
Bucharest, Romania

Banca Transilvania: RO44BTRL04501202871896XX
State Treasury: RO29TREZ7015069XXX002394